I had planned to post this on Friday but I was too tired and feel asleep thus I didn't managed to blog about it. Anyway, in this week's Studio Production, I did a totally new role which is ...... Talent. Haha! What's more? I was the host, which was the main role. Finally, I've overcome my fear of appearing before the camera.
Anyway, this week's service was by Rev. Dr. Kong. Pastor was back ad it was a great service where all of us enjoyed it. Pastor Kong is truly someone who knows how to speak to us all, through the use of everyday language but still maintaining the context of the word of God. He encouraged us to pray longer and louder and for us to help the church to grow bigger. Today, we learnt that God does not work through method or procedures but through Men and Women. God uses us to do great things. He can make use of even the smallest of us so all we have to do is to trust in God. We learnt about Self-Image, Self-Worth, Self-Esteem and Self-Respect.
Self-Image is how we see ourselves. God made us into his image and thus we should be happy with what we are. But first, we must know who God is before we can be in His image.
Self-Worth is how much we are worth or are valued. We are all valued very much by God. We are worth His son Jesus Christ dying on the cross for us therefore no matter what others may say, we are valuable and worth a lot to God.
Self-Esteem is how we feel about ourselves. We should always feel good about ourselves and truly experience God.
Self-Respect is respecting your own dignity.
With all these, we would be secure and thus be willing to be secure to serve as we are secure that no matter what we do, we would not fear losing respect.
Anyway, I feel that there are certain things which I should just give up on. If no matter how hard you try to be a friend for someone, and they do not appreciate it, I guess it's just time to move on and find someone better. Furthermore, there are certain traits which you have to look for before treating a person as a true friend like someone who is wise and will help you to grow instead of leading you astray. There are many more but I feel if anyone lacks any of the qualities, it would be better as to treat them as a friend and not close friend.
Friends, I just want you to know that all things are possible when you walk with God and you would change for the better. All your faults and bad habits would be replaced with something good and you would truly change for the better and people around you and even you yourself would be able to see the change. When you receive God, Christ will live within you and when you walk, He is walking with you and when you stretch out your hand and pray for someone, it's as though Christ is stretching out His hand and praying. So friends, I hope that all of you would be willing to receive Christ and become a new and better person.