Well, today's post would not be one that is religious instead, it will be one that is of my thinking as of my present moment. These are all random thoughts and it would appear as fragments and such but to me, it forms a big picture about humanity and the society so if you weren't interested, I would encourage you to stop here.
We truly live in a paradox.
On one hand, we are so quick to make judgment on things and other based on first glance and or what others have told us. We are always so quick to believe and pass judgment. Yet on the other hand, we probe too deeply into things which are just as simple as it looks. Why does everything have to have a reason? Can't we just leave things as it is?
Why do we have to swing to the extremes instead of settling in the gray area in between? Can't we all agree to disagree? When will certain have mindsets of their own instead of being mindless drones that pass on the mindset of others to themselves and others too?
I'm just so sickened by how others let their poison seep into others and that more would also have the poisoned mindset of the first. Why can't we just step back and see if what we are saying is true or is it just a biased viewed based upon one incident? Why can't we just agree to disagree? Why can't certain people have their own thinking instead of latching onto the thinking of others?
These days, we are living in the me first society where humans are such creatures full of vanity and pride that we have a tendency to commit to the behavior and thinking that the world revolves around us. Even objective thinking has subjective views in it
Behind our 'objective' comments are our ideologies, expectations, axioms and maxims. Rarely do we have objective views now.
Well, now let's talk about truths. When we talk about truth, whose truth are we talking about? Is the truth you are expounding universal? Is the statement "There is no such thing as truth" a truth by itself? Well, I guess since the only constant is change, people have to learn how to deal with uncertainty. We would have our own truths and realities, however we should be skeptical in believing in totality of our own beliefs, therefore we should take no rigid stances in our so called truths and realities. Instead, we should always renew it. Perhaps we have a system in place, people who are "good" towards us are "good" people, and people that doesn't live up to our expectations are "bad" people
(Mis)communication or (mis)understanding has to be two-fold. A person might misunderstand the shy man's portrayal of timidity as overbearing arrogance which could lead to the hater being offended into hating or he may choose to The hater, being offended by this shy person then he hater is giving a reaction that rather than an action. To hate is to react.
Is there a belief we hold that affects the balance of our worry, fear, anxiety, grief, enjoy, etc.? The ideologies we hold, our expectations of others? Does hate derive from the imbalance of such a belief? What if....... What if we discarded such a belief?
In discarding a belief, one acquires a different kind of "knowledge", which now governs one's attitude and behaviour. Is this a new realisation?
I guess what we can do is to assume for the best.Like would you rather believe in someone's capacity for benevolence and be wrong about it? Or believe that this someone is a total bad ass and be right about it? Perhaps what we can all learn to do is to give more people the "benefit of the doubt" For me, I've believe that man no matter how bad they may be would still have a glimmer of goodness within but then I'm always being proved wrong in this so I'm quite unsure of it now even though I still do it.
Humans are not perfect, we have flaws, but these flaws give more impetus for continual thinking
Others have always said I think too much but "who" questions the people who "think too much"? People who think too little? There are many things and standards in life that are "pre-determined" Sometimes, it's a societal standard Like usually it is the socially proficient who calls others socially inept
Even now? can we say that we are fully objective in our thinking? That we don't judge others? I can't say that of myself as sometimes, it still happens I make prejudgements of people but like all problems, the first step to a solution is to recognise them so it's really up to us to make the first step. Baby steps are better than inertia.
Then again, thinking too much has its drawback too. For instance, if we had too much time to think, we would realise that here we are in the 21st century where war, prejudice and bigotry are as prevalent as ever but sadly when you start "thinking too much" there's little hope of turning back.
Well, I've finally come to the end and I'll like to congratulate you for finishing this post if you did and as such, I would leave you all with this quote. "The wise are always in doubt."