Sunday, June 29, 2008
This morning, in my rush to get to Riverwalk, I forgot to take my camera with me therefore I do not have any pictures to post today. Anyway, last night, I fell asleep while using my computer but luckily, I woke up at 6 to finish my RJ and submit it and went back to sleep. Anyway, I woke up and quickly went through my morning routine and rushed out thinking that I would be late however, when I reached Riverwalk, it was still early in fact, I was around 40 minutes early therefore I just sat there and waited for the rest. Anyway, as I was sitting and staring into space there, I was mistaken for a girl because my hair was covering my face but I'm okay with it because it has happened to me a couple of times now.
Anyway, project super bang was good and we truly relived the fun times that we had during the camp and I would like to say that I truly had a great time in the camp.
After some games, viewing of videos, worship and praises, we broke into our houses and we learnt about being a true friend and how to be a true friend to those that you have chosen.
After that, I went with Gloria Goh, Shi Hui, Kai Chin, Carmen and Jia Hui to Long John for lunch (Yes, once again) after which, we proceeded to Expo for the pre-service prayer meeting and we prayed for various things for the church, the people around us and ourselves. Today's service was by pastor Tan and I have to say that it was not a good one but an excellent service. I truly felt touched by the service and it really inspired me to be what pastor Tan has said.
In today's service, we learnt about the true purpose of man, the vision of man which is the life and light of God. Real man are not measured by the roles that they have instead, it is by the purpose of man. Man were made first because Man had a purpose and that Man was the foundation that God built upon. God needed someone to do certain jobs first before Woman would be created. In short, Man has to learn to always pray, seek the presence of God, teach other or communicate, Cultivate other around us to bring forth productivity and be fruitful, be a protector and have a role of ownership and leadership. All of these were present in Adam however, after the fall, Man has lost all of these therefore, all man should learn to get these vision back again and truly be a real man.
After today's service, we proceeded to Changi Airport for fellowship and we truly had fun and through the entire dinner, I was speaking in third person view which is really fun and it helps to improve your language too.
Dear friends, God made us all not to be alone instead, we have a need for companions, people who would be there for us no matter what, true friends. Therefore cell groups are very important. When you receive God in your heart, He will place you in a cell group that is best suited for you. In this cell group, the people in it would help you to grow spiritually and they would also be there to help through any problems that you would have and not only that, they would also be there to share your joy. In a cell group, it's like a mini family where each and everyone plays their part to make it really seem so and through fellowships, we can all grow together so friends, I would urge you to choose the people around you well and it's best to choose friends who would be there with you no matter what happens.
Friends, I would just like you to know once again that God would truly provide for you and He will show you vision of where you should be like I had this thought a couple of weeks back and today during service, during a certain point, pastor talked about this and then I knew that that truly is the path which God wants me to be and I'll work towards and I know that I would be able to do that as long as I have God with me. Therefore friends, I would just like to encourage everyone to pray as God wants to hear from us and that He is a very personal God who wants to communicate with us.
Dear friends, God truly is a great God and He's knocking at you door. Make the choice to be saved by God and receive Jesus in your hearts today. You would begin to see a change for the better in your life.
12:19 AM<3
Saturday, June 28, 2008
So, I've just got home after a night of filming of Bibik Ahmad at the Substation. It was tiring but I must say that it was fairly interesting. I went home straight after the performance and I'll be doing my RJ in a moment's time after which, I would need to go to bed as I have to be at Riverwalk at 11am.
Today's lesson was Studio Production and we did more stuffs in the interactive and I must say that I do not know anything about it and therefore, there was a number of problems that we encountered. I feel that I should have known and done more which could have helped my team mates to learn more however, I've realised the need to do more self study and practice so that I would be able to do well. After class, we went to STA labs to draw out the equipment that we needed for the evening recording and we proceeded down to Substation.
Dear friends, I just want all of you to know that God truly is always there for us and he 's knocking at our door therefore we should all open it and embrace Him with wide open arms. This morning, when I woke up, I was very tired and lazy and didn't want to go to school and this has happened to me plenty of times and most of the times, I would not go to school instead, choosing to continue sleeping however, before today, I've prayed for God to grant me strength to withstand all temptations and of my habits and I would like to bind all of these and before I knew it, I was on the bus to school and that I was so early for school. Therefore friends, I want all of you to know that as long as we place our trust in God, he will provide for us therefore I hope that others would see this and be willing to be saved.
Friends, how long more can we fool ourselves and continue to have a harden heart. Accept God and you would see that your life would grow to be so much better. God will answer all your prayers and he will grant you the strength and ability to do the things that you want to like quitting your bad habits.
Photos of Studio IG at Substation on 27 June 2008

12:55 AM<3
Thursday, June 26, 2008
This week truly has been a roller coaster ride for me and I think that I may be going through Andropause. Just kidding!
Anyway, during advertising on Wednesday, it really brought me back to a thinking that I had some time ago. It reminded me about commercialism and how it has eroded the value of our society. It's just plain disgusting how mega corporations are making use of everything to make more money, holidays no longer hold to their true meaning and we are always buying something that we have no need for and at the rate of production, we can never keep up.It's all these that create an emphasis on things like beauty and such and they are all portraying the wrong image. Even intangible things like Happiness and Health are now being measured in commercial terms.
But on a lighter note, I feel that as long as we keep our faith in God, we would not be affected and that in the end, everything would work out in the end. Dear friends, I just want to say this:" You may all say that God isn't true and I would like to say that I once thought this way however when I say that God answers our prayers, you would say, it's just coincidence and or luck. But is there really so much luck or coincidence ? Well, I would like to add that these are all provided by God yet you still choose to ignore all of these instead, choosing to rely on yourself instead of God so I would just like to say that it's time you open your eyes and see the good things that God has given us and the great things that He has in store for you. Do not commit to your folly anymore. Turn to God and He will provide for you, Your life purpose, meaning and a great path for you.
God will always be there for you and that He truly is a great God who will provide for you. So now, the question is are you willing to be saved friends?
Isaiah 40:28-31
Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the LORD,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
10:35 PM<3
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I was too tired last night after tweaking with the template therefore I didn't get to write about yesterday's lesson which I was planning to.
Yesterday, we did CME and at the end of the day, me and my team came up with ...... *Drum roll* The Trekker. Anyway, it's a 4D ride whereby you would get to experience the history of Singapore in a unique and fun way. Through appealing to all the sense, we hoped that the people who come to our ride would learn more about the history of Singapore. We decided to do this as these days, people would deem museums as stuffy and boring therefore, by going for a ride which appeals to all the senses, it would be a much more fun experience. This ride would project image, release scents at the different points, feel the breeze on the back of your neck and maybe the spray of seawater when the image projected is one of the sea.
Friends, I want all of you to know that God loves you and that He has a great purpose in life for you. No matter what, never give up as God would never give up on you. Have faith and everything else would be fine. Dei Gratia, we are all saved!
8:39 AM<3
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dei Gratia, I have finally found my purpose in life and I want to share it with everyone that I know.
I hope that the people around me would have an open heart and listen to me instead of closing up but I know that with time, it would all be possible.
12:56 AM<3